Hello Readers!
I hope you have all been enjoying your summer! Summer is literally speeding at a ridiculous rate and I am not ok with that. I'll probably do a back to school ( boohoo !)post soon , let me know if that's something you would like to see. Recently I have been really busy , as I have been determined this year not to allow this summer to be as wasteful as I have made it in previous years.
What have you been up to? I hear you ask. Well, I have taken up volunteering as well as juggling my own job. Just last week I returned from a much needed holiday so do expect a post on that real soon. But to be honest, most importantly this summer as really been about acting on my last post. Since I became 'The Introverted Freak' I have been working hard to shake that off. finally I feel like what has been holding me down for so long, finally allowed me to gain control as soon as I released that post.
If you haven't read that post please do , because I can honestly see it was one of my favourite posts to write probably because of how scattered and spontaneous it was and how it felt like was actually talking to a friend (awww). After reading your comments , I came to an important conclusion. Being an introvert is difficult but it doesn't make you a freak. I am so glad I have some awesome readers who have allowed me to understand that.
I have learnt a lot this year and can now say 8 months in to the year that 2015 has been one of the best and worst years of my life so far. The experiences that have allowed me to confidently make hat statement have recently inspired me to create. I am now in the process of finishing my first short story and I am coming up with ideas for many more. I have also been inspired to create new content on my blog. Since we are all friends here I think I can safely say to you all, that I haven't been the best blogger. I really want to be more consistent in sharing my thoughts and replying to your comments and try to make some blogger friends.
Thanks for reading my little update and please keep on the look out for plenty more posts!
Ah I feel the same way about 2015! Before this year I'd never had a job and I was awkward as hell; but somehow this year I just grew up more, and now I'm better than ever. It shows that no matter how introverted you are, it's super easy to just be the person you want to be. All you have to do is make yourself that person.
The Life of Little Me
A lot happened to me in 2015, good and bad things. But without those bad I couldn't really learn how to be grateful for all the good that happened and that still needs to happen. I think it's important to just do you and to be the best you you can be :D