At aged 16 and now nearing the end of my first year of sixth form, it suddenly dawned on me that in just over a year I will be leaving high school never to see its face again. These, as adults often say, are meant to be the best days of your life, the times that you will never forget. Yet in just over a year it will all be over. For good. And you know what.... I have never been happier.

Sunday, 22 March 2015
Saturday, 21 March 2015
Hello All! I have missed you all very much! I feel like since I temporarily left the blogging world I have pretty much forgotten how to write, so please bear with me! Some of you may have noticed that my posts have been a lot less frequent on this blog and I have done a bit of a disappearing act on here. Fear not, I have returned! To be honest, I no longer had as much time to blog, I felt like my posts weren't really good enough and above all, I didn't really feel like blogging.
But that was then- this is now. I want to make some changes around here but those changes will be gradual. I can't promise you daily posts but I can promise you often. I want to blog about things that are truly and deeply important. I wan to hear what you all have to say! So, I ask you all a little favour: if you want to, please comment below a question/topic that you want my perspective on, I will do my best to give my honest viewpoint in a blog post.
Sorry for the barely there post, but I promise it is only up from here!
Thanks for reading!
Saturday, 7 March 2015
original picture polyvore
Ahhh the comfort zone, it is a wonderful, wonderful place to be .... said me for the past 16 years of my life. I hated the idea of having to change my routine or having to do difficult tasks because it felt safer that way. But to be honest I eventually got tired of living this repetitive, unexciting lifestyle